Yoga Book
All About Yoga

The Book That Will Blow Your Mind

The Book “Yoga and Yogic Powers” by Yogi Gupta has changed the way I look at life and how I actually live my life.

Since I was twelve, I’ve always had a very strong interest in the phycology of the human’s mind. What is the reason for people’s behavior and what drives them? How are we thinking and why are we thinking so? What makes us think this or that way? How the environment and people around us affect our thoughts? I was always wondering, what and where is the source of all these? I wanted to get to the bottom of it! My soul was starving for the secret of Truth.

I Have Been Waiting for This Book Since I was a Kid

When I started practicing yoga, I understood that I might find answers to all my questions in yoga. I developed even more interest in yoga when I noticed the similarity with psychological principles. And when I discovered “Yoga and Yogic Powers”, I realized this is the book I have been waiting for since I was a kid! This book did explain a lot of phenomena that was happening to me during the childhood years. It also explained how important it is to protect yourself from harmful psychic impulses by preventing harmful thoughts to enter the mind. And one can achieve it by strengthening the aura around – which is our only defense!

After reading this book I understood that all those “how to become successful in life” books, as well as many sciences, including psychology and philosophy, are actually based on yogic principles. Through yoga I come to realize over and over again- you can find all answers from within yourself.

What “Yoga and Yogic Powers” is Talking About?

Reading Through “Yoga and Yogic Powers”

“Yoga and Yogic Powers” clearly explains that all dysfunctions in our health and misfortune are results of the negative thoughts and wrong forces released by the person himself. Although a lot of times those negative thoughts are absorbed from other people. And this happens because material world absorbs thoughts of people around us. As a result, it affects our thinking and we accept it as our own thoughts.

Our power of the mind is very strong. And it always works whether FOR us or AGAINST us. It is NEVER neutral! So it is very important to know how to control the mind, otherwise, it controls us. “The thoughts from a closed room in which you alone contact millions of people across the world.” So we should be very careful in choosing our thoughts. “When thoughts express through the higher vehicles of mind, the will is as strong as the Will of God”.

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The Secret to Success

Strong will power and creative thoughts together with the release of psychic forces is the key to materialize the thoughts into physical things. Because things around us are only a reflection of the invisible thoughts. But we need Guru for the guidance. “Yoga and Yogic Powers” says that just “by reading the menu you can not satisfy the hunger”. Or by learning a driver’s manual you can not drive a car. The use and development of psychic powers are neither a religious nor creed, it is scientific and practical. And like any science, it needs to be learned with the guidance of the teacher.

We can not develop spiritual awareness while maintaining physical awareness. Therefore, it requires self-work and the guidance of Guru in order to achieve Self Realization. You must be able to “control and master physical, vital, mental and intellectual vehicles of consciousness in order to achieve self-perfection, self-illumination, and self-evolution”. And I can not express enough happiness and gratitude towards Sri Dharma Mittra who became my teacher on this journey.

It is Time to Evolve

Body and matter have been created not as an end in themselves, but as a base to provide an evolution of the mental and spiritual faculties in them. It is about the time for people of the world to achieve psychic immunity against harmful astral pictures that are stored in the Universe, psychic attacks and negative thoughts from other persons so that we all can better evolve in our lives and help the evolution of the world itself on the right path. 

What we seek and find outside in the world is simply an effect, the cause is within us. When we are able to approach the inner supply we will never fall short of anything in life. I strongly believe after this book that without sincere effort toward spiritual awareness life is a waste.

Be Master of Your Own Destiny

“Yoga and Yogic Powers” claims that we have the power and the ability to change the course of our own destiny according to the wish by the creation of psychic phenomena. To be master of our own destiny we need to learn how to express wishes through the higher mind. This is where yoga comes in handy.

Yoga plays a very important part in spiritual enlightenment in the following steps:

First, a steady pose of the body helps create mental steadiness.

Then pranayama connects us with the rhythms of Nature.

While following principles of Yama and Niyama combining with self-work, magical things happen. At least this seems like magic for the outside world to those who don’t know yogic powers. But once you learn those powers you must use them to enable the world to become a better place in its evolution. 

The Secret of the Individual Progress

And one of the main secrets of the individual progress – physical, mental and spiritual – is GIVING. And it is not about the charity of money but the mental disposition and forgiveness towards others. 

“The higher goal to be achieved in this world, which is the love of one and all”. This is the real goal of yoga.

Therefore, our purpose is to realize, experience and bring unity in diversity, which comes by the realization of the oneness in All. And this unity must be established between Individual Soul and the Universal Soul.

“Patience and perseverance are needed on the part of the seeker to achieve this goal”. 

Love of ONE AND ALL.


Have you read “Yoga and Yogic Powers” yet? Leave your comments below and share your thoughts.

Note: This article is solely based on the book “Yoga and Yogic Powers” and my personal thoughts.

Learn more about yoga and how it can help you to achieve Self Realization in life […]

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Anna Manvel

I am a yoga teacher, a fitness professional, a former massage therapist and a discoverer of new places that emphasize a healthy lifestyle. I love helping people discovering their true Self by sharing the experience of living yogi life and traveling. I believe in reaching the fullest potential through yoga and healthy living. With Love and Light, Anna

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