Dharma Yoga is the most unique style of yoga that provides the practitioner with all necessary tools to achieve the Ultimate goal of yoga – Self-realization, when practiced constantly and long enough. This is the lineage that guides through all 8 limbs of a classic Yoga in a single practice. Dharma Yoga is a form …
5 Top Rated Yoga Mats According to Yoga Teachers
One of the first yoga essentials that every yogi should have is a yoga mat. When I just started doing yoga, I went to a regular store and bought one of those $15 mats, used my regular workout closing and had a towel for hot yoga classes. But let me tell you, it did not …
7 Must Have Yoga Essentials to Start Practicing Yoga Today
Before I start talking about yoga essentials, I would like to admit, that we don’t really need anything to practice yoga. Our body – that’s all required. But if you practice regularly, you probably want to grab a couple of things to help you make quicker progress in yoga.
6 Everyday Places to Yoga. No more excuses
Hello, yogi! Thank you for coming to my website to learn more about yoga, places to yoga and things yogis do. If you have not read the story behind my website, please go here to read and learn more about it. First and foremost, I would like to thank you and say that if you …