First and foremost I must say, I am not a doctor nor the expert in this. I am only sharing the information that I am currently using on myself and my family. Therefore this information is provided only for general knowledge and should not be used as advice on how to heal yourself from the Coronavirus. If you believe you might be sick, contact your local authorities to find out where you can get tested and how to get help.
I am pretty sure you all know about the famous Coronavirus that is traveling around the world right now. Personally, every day I am thinking, this is probably the pick of it, only to wake up the next morning and find out that more and more people are dying every single day due to this virus.
Actually, in reality, it is not the virus itself that kills, but the complications it creates for people who have underlying conditions. Therefore let’s first find out the category of most vulnerable people.
Most Vulnerable Categories:
- People over 60 years old
- People with chronic lung conditions
- People with a compromised immune system, including autoimmune disorders and cancer patients
- People with diabetes
- People with high blood pressure
- Overweight people
Sadly, living with sarcoidosis I am falling into one of these categories, actually two- chronic lung condition and compromised immune system. Oh, well… Life is life, you cannot change that. The good news, I always try to get the best out of any situation. And after thorough research, I realized that everything I am doing for my condition is great for keeping that dreadful Coronavirus away.
Therefore I decided to share what exactly I do daily to protect myself and my family.
Things to Do to Protect Yourself from Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Personal Hygiene
- Wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds
- Wash your face often
- Stay home when possible
- Keep a social distance of at least 6 feet if you have to go out.
- Use hand sanitizers when outside (of course if they are available 😭. Although you can make your own: 2/3 of 90% rubbing alcohol and 1/3 of glycerin or aloe vera. You can use a lower concentration of the rubbing alcohol, just have to make sure the proportions are different. Your final solution must contain at least 60% of alcohol to be effective)
- Use a Neti Pot to rinse the sinuses. It will most likely kill the virus if it is still in the sinuses (this virus stays about 4 days in the upper respiratory before it starts to go down the system). I make the solution for the Neti Pot myself: 1tsp of baking soda, 1tsp of sea salt, one squeeze of Neti Wash and boiling water. You need to wait until it cools down to the warm temperature not to burn the sinuses. Although make sure the water is not too cold either.
- Disinfect frequently used items, like car keys, the phone.
- Get a flu shot if you have not done it already. Although this WILL NOT protect you from the Coronavirus, it will most likely save you an unnecessary trip to the doctor right now.

Food/ Supplements
- Take Vitamin E (I do 1000 IU or about 600mg a day). Vitamin E has been shown to enhance immune responses and in conjunction with vitamin C to fortify healthy cells for increased pathogen resistance. (1)
- Take the NAC supplement. This one has a lot of great benefits and helpful for lots of lung conditions. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) can be purchased over the counter and greatly boosts your immune system by raising glutathione levels. (2) For more information on all the benefits of the NAC check HealthLine website.
- Zinc supplement. It is said that zinc is toxic to the coronavirus on contact. (3) Therefore if you take it as soon as you might have come in contact with the virus, it might help to kill it. I personally like the Zinc Boost Mist that contain Zinc, Vitamin C and Elderberry. And some foods naturally contain Zinc: legumes, seeds, nuts, whole grains (whole wheat, quinoa, rice, oats), potatoes, green beans, kale, dark chocolate. (4)
- Eat FRESH GINGER! This is probably the most important one! I’ve heard from two different sources that ginger could kill this exact Coronavirus. I must give credit first of all to my yoga teacher Sri Dharma Mittra who’s advised to eat it now to protect yourself from this virus. I make ginger/lemon teas, eat it fresh, making ginger candy. There are lots of ways to incorporate it into your diet. So if you are not a big fan of ginger, I highly recommend becoming one now. If you have to go outside or fly (hopefully not at these times), slice fresh ginger and eat it instead of candy. It should protect you from getting the virus into your system.
- Incorporate turmeric into your diet. This is also a very powerful food that has antiviral properties. I love to make Golden milk and drink it every evening while watching my favorite TV show.
- Use garlic. Honestly, I am not a big fan of garlic, but it is truly a magic food when it comes to viruses.
- Drink plenty of warm liquids. It is always a great idea to stay hydrated. I make a huge pitcher of lemon/ginger water now and everyone in my family loves to drink plenty of it.

- Go to the sauna. Best if you have a private sauna at your own house. Experts are saying that this Coronavirus does not survive temperatures above 51 Celsius or 123 Fahrenheit. When the Coronavirus enters your system, it stays in the upper respiratory system for about 4 days. So if you catch it on time and breathe in hot air you might completely kill it. I even saw the video on how to use a hairdryer to breathe in the hot air for this purpose. Also, breathing in a steam can help as well. Here is a video on how to do it at home.
- Stay active. This one might be challenging if you are in the state or the country of complete lockdown. I am pretty lucky to have my very-very old treadmill. I cleaned it and put it to good use now. Although it is rusted and can stop all of a sudden or change the speed by itself, I am lucky to be able to still keep up my cardio. Also, lots of fitness centers offer right now remote personal training. So you might want to check with your local studios what they have to offer. Although marathon enthusiast Elisha Nochomovitz ran the distance of a marathon on his 23-foot balcony — twice! (5) So it is all the matter of wanting it.
- Practice yoga. It is the most wonderful tool to stay healthy in any situation. You can do it anywhere and all you need is a very tiny space. There are lots of free videos all over the internet. Find something that fits you and get to the practice. Also if you regularly had gone to yoga classes near you, most possible they now offer live classes online. Contact them to find out more.

- Do meditation. My most favorite app for meditation is “Insight Timer”
- Clean the house – this one is more powerful than you might imagine. On top of keeping the hygiene that is so important right now, you will get the benefits of clearing your mind. Trust me, it works. Cleanliness is one of the Nyamas of yoga called Saucha. And it should be practiced daily.
- Find some fun activities to do with your family. You have got a lot more time to spend with them now. Just please don’t gather your relatives and friends together for parties. It is the worst you can do right now. Keep all the activities within your household members.
- Read books. I read a lot of books myself. But the list of my most favorite ones you can find in my Amazon store.
- Watch some great movies. There are plenty of options for those on Amazon Prime as well as Netflix. I recently have got hooked on “The Resident” TV show.
Also check out the article for free resources that can be used during the social distancing from Leslie W.
The Bottom Line
It can be very challenging to get used to a “new normal”. But whatever you do, please don’t let your mind play funny games with you and let you down. The current situation in the whole world can get very overwhelming. But keep your thoughts and attitude positive and you will always stay a winner. This all will pass. The world will recover. People will change. We will become stronger. Although we all will have to live a new different life, and it will never be the same.
I am sending prayers to all those who got sick and condolences to the families who lost lives during this terrifying pandemic. Wishing you all a good health!
For information on how to correctly do self isolation if you do happen to get seek, check out the following article “Self Care During Illness & COVID-19” from Nursing Decoded. Lots of helpful information.
P.S For the current worldwide statistics on Coronavirus check the following website
Pin for Later 👇

Some of these are new to me! I pinned the golden turmeric milk recipe and we do have a neti pot so I may need to use this idea too!
Happy to provide some new information! Stay safe and healthy!
Stay safe.
Thank you, Jennifer. You too
I only leave the house to buy groceries and that will be the case until things start improving, however long that takes. I live alone so I am safe in my house but I am still washing my hands a lot even though it is just my own germs.
Stay safe and healthy, Lora!
Some great tips, we use vitamin e, zinc and ginger and tumeric! Also keep moving! Stay safe❤
thank you for all the great advice
Drinking tea with tumeric now. I’ll have to look for the elderberry gummies. Good info!
Thanks for the tips, Anna! I have been taking extra zinc and elderberry gummies and we always use garlic in everything!
A Sauna sounds really nice and some yoga!
What a super important article right now! And the brilliance of it is, people will be able to save this for later and apply it other illnesses. Thank you so much for sharing and helping so many!
Thank you so much for stopping by, Hillari. And I am so happy it can help in any way. Stay safe and healthy!
Thanks for all of this information. I love the supplement ideas, and the tips about ginger. I love ginger tea, and will start drinking more of it!
Great ideas and advice during such a scary time. I hope you and yours are all well.
Thank you, Cindy. Wishing you great health as well!
Thank you so much for putting this all together and sharing this to everyone. I am sharing this in my social media account.
Thank you so much, April! I hope it helps many!
This was very insightful, I’m one of those people who don’t ready any of the COVID-19 stuff at all. I rely on my oldest son to relay the things I know and I must say I’m astonished how I’ve been doing a lot of these that are listed here. Great tips and sources to share Anna 😊
So happy that you already doing most of these not even realizing! Stay safe and healthy!
I have been taking my zinc and elderberry when I go out. I just planted an elderberry bush so I can make my own!
I love your tip about cleaning the house and clearing the mind. I wholeheartedly agree. And your supplements list was very informative. Great post!
I know, right?! It is a wonderful tool to clear the mind. Thanks for stopping by!
Great tips!
One of my roommates is immune-compromised, so we have been very strict here about following the guidelines. Thank you for all these tips. I am making sure I stay active and positive.
Best of all to your roommate! And you all stay safe and healthy!
I’m so ready for all of this to be over, but I’m enjoying all of the time at home.
Staying diligent with all these tips will definitely help. Stay safe & well Anna.
Thank you, you as well, Suzan!
So much mixed information out there right now!
I like your inclusion of the healthy foods we can ingest to keep us well. Too often people eat processed foods with very little nutrition. Building up our immune systems can ward off all sorts of things and possibly the Coronavirus, too.
Thank you, Tara, for stopping by. Stay safe and healthy!
With my wife suffering from Cardio Myopathy, we have to be extremely careful during this very difficult time. Thank you for your wonderful information for those of us who have vulnerable loved ones.
Most of health to you and your wife, Jason!
Great info. Thanks for sharing these tips. I’ve been enjoying ginger turmeric tea for awhile now. Good to know the added benefits!
Great information thank you for sharing
Lots of great info, thanks for sharing.
Great information. I have been reading a lot about healthy herbs and ginger has been #1 so many times. And we use Garlic with everything already! including eggs so we are a head of the game with that one. These times are challenging but I sure hope it changes our world for the better and people come out of this a lot kinder and patient.
Great tips thank you for sharing
What great tips. I never thought of getting out my neti pot.
I had forgotten about how important zinc and vitamin E were for the immune system. I’ll check out the Zinc Boost Mist that you mentioned. It’s hard to know what will keep COVID at bay these days, but the hygiene certainly helps a ton. With a compromised immune system, I focus on nutrition, exercise, and rest to make up for those low white blood cell counts. I just signed up for an online class from Wim Hof that uses breathing techniques, cold showers, meditation, and a little yoga. Have you heard of him? I’ll be writing a post about it soon, I think. 😊I have only been getting groceries through friends’ deliveries and drive up ordering. Playing it pretty safe and doing a lot of the things you mentioned here, especially reading, cleaning, and exercising! We will get through this and come out stronger on the other side, I agree. Thank you again for the hand sanitizer! Lots of love to you, Anna! ❤️
I have never heard about Wim Hof. I have to check him out.
Stay safe during these times, Ramae ❤️🤗