Have you had the times when life seems to become worthless? The things you are doing, the items you are using, the job you are working, the money you are making, the food you are eating, the conversations with others you are having, the day, the night, the time of the season… Everything becomes the same: flat, unworthy, useless, unnecessary.
What is the reason for all this? Why is this happening to so many?
If you do feel that way, it means that you have spent too much energy and time on the wrong things in life, the material things that lose their value sooner or later. You have spent too much time satisfying your pleasures and desires. Once you satisfy one desire, you immediately need to come up with another one. But you keep feeling empty inside, and it keeps adding up while you end up in the closed circle coming back to the same emptiness.
But this can be exactly the time when you can change your life. This is a sign that something has to be done differently. If you hit the “dead end” of that constant circle of desires and satisfaction, material world and lies used in order to get rich, powerful, comfortable, it means something must change.
When you feel like you are about to give up everything you have, it means it is a time to stop and rethink your life. Ask yourself questions:
- Who does really matter to you in your life?
- What does matter in your life?
- Will that thing you are about to get/do going to change your life?
- Can you live without it?
Connect to your inner Self. That is the only time when you are going to feel content. Once you have that connection to the Self, you will see life differently. You will not be running away from yourself and all the problem in your life. You will have the knowledge of all the generations that passed through the Earth. It is not the book knowledge. It is Universal knowledge! Once you have it, you know exactly what should be done, when it is needed to be done and how. You will have the power to influence the world around you, have the world the way YOU want it to be.
How to Live the Life You Want?

Imagine yourself at the end of life, the very last day before you cross over to the other side. What do you feel? Love, isn’t it? Love towards your close ones, towards the world you are about to leave. Notice that you don’t feel anger or unsatisfaction, you just want to love. Not even to be loved, but to love! And that is so strange that most can realize that only at the end of their lives.
Interestingly, the life events that are happening to you are all coming in perfect order. When something unexpected happens, this is the higher force saying that you need to stop and rethink your life, rethink your values, rethink your thoughts.
The person’s reaction to unexpected events comes in two ways: you become the better version of yourself or you become the most arrogant, mad and angry person in the whole universe.
So what is the difference? Why are we reacting in such different ways to the same thing?
The difference is in the perception of your mind. It is your values, your priorities, how you see your purpose on this earth. If the first thing comes is your ego, then you blame everything and everyone around. You only think about how poor your soul is to go through the hardest times.
“Don’t use your ego. Use your intelligence.” – Sri Dharma Mittra
But the truth is, “we are all going through the same amount of suffering”. Not more, not less. THE SAME! The mind is created the way that according to our previous conditions you are reacting differently to life events. From that comes the decisions you make along the way. From those decisions come the consequences. And from them comes the picture of your whole life.
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How to Stop Suffering in Life?
So where is the solution to your sufferings? To change your perspective, your attitude, your priorities, your thoughts. And you will get the life you always wanted to live.
Everyone has some sort of arguments with someone once a while. We are so different, but all one at the same time. Any complicated situation is going to affect you in some way, there is no doubt. But all you have to do is to let it go after 5 minutes. Why? The anger will go away anyway by itself with the time. The difference is that everything passed 5 minutes is a waste of your time, your life, your energy, your health. So just let your emotions take place for 5 minutes and put it aside later.
“In any misunderstanding, there is some evidence of ego. You feel 100% right, but you are 100% wrong. This is a misunderstanding.” – Sri Dharma Mittra
The mistakes you make in your life are for a reason. They teach you something, something you are not doing right, something that needs to change. They teach you how to change your life by changing your thoughts about things. But if you keep making the same mistakes over and over again, you will keep suffering until you change your way of living and thinking.
How to Change the Way Of Life?
How to do it, how to change your way of life? Pause then, stop everything. Get the mind out of that situation and bring the attention to the inside, to your breath, to your space within. Make the mind stop all the activities and become one-pointed. You will start feeling the subtle things, you will see the Truth, you will know the answers.
Let’s see the reality. Why do we get emotional in the first place? It is either the fear (all fears are connected to the fear of death in some way) or it’s the ego that was challenged by someone. Ego is not a bad thing. Ego is actually your personality. When they say you have a great personality, in reality, it means you have an ego that you are able to control. And opposite, when someone has a terrible character, they have an uncontrollable ego and desires with pleasures that come first and foremost.
How about fear?
What if someone proves you that our physical life on the Earth is not the end of it all? That your soul is eternal. And the ultimate goal of life on this Earth is self-realization. That your soul keeps coming back to the Earth in different physical forms just to realize the eternity of the existence. And there are higher worlds than the Earth out there which you can experience as well after the realization of Self. After knowing this for a fact, would you fear death now?
“The Earth is where you pay your last pain.” – Sri Dharma Mittra
In reality, the physical body is just like plants. In spring it wakes up, it grows and has the highest life force over the summer, it slowly drops the leaves in fall and sleeps during winter. But then another spring comes and the seed starts to grow again. And that seed is your soul. And that plant is your body.

What Can Yoga Do to Change Your Life?
The ultimate goal of yoga is to set the mind into silence, to calm your thoughts to be able to recognize that seed, your higher Self, your True Self, the unchangeable Self. Once you realize that, then “whatever your body and mind passing through, they are just simply passing through.” (Sri Dharma Mittra). Then you are not affected by circumstances, the outside world, the weather, the clouds, the rain, the sun. You are in constant peace with yourself and others.
“Many people think yoga is the postures, but this is just a preparation. The breathing is also just a preparation. Yoga is a constant reflection.” – Sri Dharma Mittra
Remember, everything you are going through in your life is the reflection of your own actions from the past. And once you realize that, you become untouchable, unshakable, unaffected, and completely content. Purify your heart and you will be able to understand and see the Truth of life.
How to live without desires? No one says you should. But enjoyments should be seen as a flower. Enjoy it, but recognize that it is passing. Everything is in the mind first. Then it affects physical.
Stay Happy and Healthy!
P.S This knowledge comes from the books I read and my teacher Sri Dharma Mittra. You can see the reference to the books that influenced me the most in my Amazon Shop.
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Namaste ॐ
Thanks for the love & light! I am vegan too and am constantly trying to find that inner balance and that inner peace. Forever learning and growing! I appreciate your article!
Thank you, Jennifer!
This was lovely. I am totally trying to raise mindful children. One thing for sure is to check your ego and really focus on happiness. I often say “is it better to be right or to be happy?” Purpose and encouragement will lead to happiness and peace.
That’s great, Angela! Your kids are so lucky to have you!
Great article! I will pin for later. I needed to hear this today. Your words are very inspiring 🙂
Thank you, Laura!
What an inspiring article!
Thanks, Joanne!
I love this post so much. Especially this line, “But enjoyments should be seen as a flower. Enjoy it, but recognize that it is passing. “. Thank you for posting such enlightening content.
Thank you, Kendra, for reading!
I have never liked yoga much but I never looked at it from this perspective. Thank you for sharing I want to try it again!
I think it’s always good to rethink and refocus. There is a lot to be learned in those quiet moments.
Very inspiring! Perspective is huge! I just taught my kids this stuff last night it is very powerful!
These are some deep concepts to consider and I really like the idea that our happiness starts in our mind. I’ve done yoga a bit, but this is just one more reason to incorporate it more into my life. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and teachings.
Your ego is not your amigo! Thank you for the tips!
There’s a lot to ponder here. I like the part about something we desire is like a flower. We should enjoy it but realize it will pass. You’ve given me some things to think about!
Beautiful as always, I have considered yoga but am terrible at sitting still mind always going (as it has been forever)! If you’ve ever seen Eat, Pray, Love that’s me sitting there trying to meditate but thinking about how to decorate my meditation room. One thing though as I have gotten older is taking 5 minutes to cool off or let an emotion settle, which I am grateful for every day. Thanks so much for sharing 🙂
Thank you so much, Angela! Yes, I’ve seen “Eat Pray Love” and absolutely love that movie! That is ok. Most people feel that way about meditation. The point of yoga is to focus the mind on one thing. Eventually, it becomes one-pointed. It is all about the practice.
I enjoyed this post very much. Have never tried yoga, but have always wanted to. It’s been suggested to me over the years, since I am a very uptight kind of person. If a leaf falls on me, I freak out. Don’t even tap me on the shoulder. I should seriously look into this!!
I believe yoga does so much more for the mind and soul than the body — and to have it in our life is a blessing.
Another great article. I enjoy reading your blog so much. You put a lot of thought into your posts.
Thank you so much, Heather. I am happy to hear that you enjoy it!
Very well said! I love the little quotes.
Very inspiring Anna! It is difficult in this world to find that balance and raising a young girl is an extra challenge. With the world of today telling kids what they should be, it is a constant battle to encourage them to find their self. To be happy and kind above all else. Beautifully written.
Thank you, Michele!
I love this, Anna! Right now I am really struggling with what matters and what I need to do to change it. It should help knowing that I created my own suffering, but it feels more like I’m in just a little too far. I am going to a Qigong (like yoga) healing retreat next week in Minneapolis and hoping for some new insight and healing of my spirit, not just my body. I really loved the wisdom and love in this post!
That’s great, Ramae! Those retreats are a wonderful way to rethink life and values. I wish you to have a great time there!
It is all about attitude and perspective. One thought can change everything.
Such an inspiring article! Thank you for sharing.
I start a yoga and meditation class next week! I’m really excited. Looking forward to peace and serenity!
So happy for you, Laura! Enjoy the journey!
So encouraging Anna!
So much of this I try to live. Much of it, I try to teach my kids. Severe trauma and complicated healing means baby steps.
Great reminders. I am so surprised when I talk with people who are truly just going through the motions and living life, but not truly living. I am constantly self evaluating so that I remember to be present in my life, and have it be as close to the life I want as possible.
Beautiful post and so inspiring! I started back up on yoga last week and can’t wait for more! Thanks for sharing
oh I needed this! I definitely need to take a step back and re-evaluate my life and the importance, the important people, and what my dreams are. Thank you for this great realignment!
I am just getting into Yoga and so far have LOVED it…..mindfulness and stretching, I LOVE!
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